Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Petrol Calculations

When crude oil was USD $140+, our petrol price was at RM 2.70 (30 cents subsidy by gomen)
Now crude oil around USD $40+, our petrol price is at RM 1.80 (gomen making "some" profit)

Some Calculations:
USD$140 to USD$40 is a discount of around 70%
RM 2.70 to RM 1.80 is a discount of around 33%

Crude oil can go down by 70%, but our petrol prices go down by 33% only. If we follow the crude oil 70% discount, we should be paying RM 0.90 for petrol.

To be fair, as revealed by the government, when the price was at RM 2.70, there was a RM 0.30 subsidy. Therefore, if we follow the 70% discount, we should be paying RM 1.20 per liter.

Maybe it takes alot of money to convert crude oil into petrol
Maybe gomen is losing alot of money coz Malaysia is a net exporter of oil, therefore the "profits" of petrol price is to offset the "loss"
Maybe someone is siphoning the additional money made
Maybe gomen think m'sians dunno how to count
There isn't a conclusion on this one...

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