Friday, April 17, 2009

1utama X20 Sighting & Spoiler

A Black X20 in 1u on a Friday afternoon. So happened that I parked right behind him.

On another note, boot lips with exposed third brake lights tend to fade. The top red portion is faded away.

I guess this is the reason the X20's bootlip (that comes with the Incus bodykit), tucks away the LEDs in a safe tunnel.


Anonymous said...

Kah Bintang chose a low quality boot lips with exposed third brake lights for the Sonata, I think they finally realize it and remove it from the Sonata since last year.

Don't think it is design issue, 7th gen Accord has similar lips but I've never seen a faded one on Accord

Ritzzuan said...

hmm...looking for spoiler..

JT said...

I agree on the accord comment. I've never seen a faded brake light on an accord.

I'm convinced that the Spectra spoiler is the best (value and design) for the X20. But I dunno how it will look with an Incus bodykit. Kekeke...