I came across your blog by accident. Would need a piece of advise from an X20 user. How is it really so far? I am interested to get one, so far it suits me well in terms of price and specs. A short test drive around jln 222 is not really telling me much but the steering IS a little light at the speed i am driving, lots of traffic that day. The test car is already 1 year old, so engine a little rough, alignment lari sikit and the rear seat roof cover a bit loose. But then again, it IS a test car. So, how long have you been driving this piece of beauty? Looking forward to your advise, thanks!!
hello fren,
I came across your blog by accident. Would need a piece of advise from an X20 user. How is it really so far? I am interested to get one, so far it suits me well in terms of price and specs. A short test drive around jln 222 is not really telling me much but the steering IS a little light at the speed i am driving, lots of traffic that day. The test car is already 1 year old, so engine a little rough, alignment lari sikit and the rear seat roof cover a bit loose. But then again, it IS a test car. So, how long have you been driving this piece of beauty?
Looking forward to your advise, thanks!!
How is it really? Its really good.
The engine: When I got the car, the engine is super smooth. Now, after 1 year, its still smooth.
Allignment: A few new X20s have alignment problem. Just get it fixed at a tyre shop.
Steering: I love the steering. It just takes some time to get used to it.
Seat roof cover: What is a seat roof cover?
I've been driving it for 1 year. But my wife drives it on weekdays. I only drive on weekends.
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