But what was lost, is now found! And back into my car. The Kancil. Coz it smells funny.
One thing I noted in the Kancil, is that when the Medklinn Mobile is plugged in, the radio reception is affected. CD play is fine, but I can hear some interference on radio.
Now the Kancil is IONIZED! A few more days, and it will return home to the X20.

Jason, if car interior got smell you may put the "carbon" to absorb the odor. It is environmental friendly & save cost. I have 1 pack for my car.
The medklinn is doing a good job there. I do have carbon (charcoal) in some cupboards at home to get rid of musty smells.
no updates ? ;)
i miss your updates on x20, plus give us more sightings on x20.
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