Anyway, I spoke to a Merc owner (for >10 years), and its true, that the maintenance of a Merc is pretty affordable (by normal people's standards). I've also spoke to a few Perdana owners, and my conclusion is, there is a possibility that driving a Merc will save some money in terms of maintenance. But
There is no doubt that there is some mismanagement of charges and claims in the whole Perdana V6 car servicing issue. Now its up to the ACA and the government whether to expose the guilty panel.
Anyway, I saw this Perdana Executive this morning, coming out from 1 Utama. The plate says "Exco Kerajaan Negeri Terrenganu". Looks like they're back to using the V6 now.

Interestingly, I saw a black E200K on the way to office, the same morning.

Malaysia boleh.
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