My Bridgstone tyres are 1 year 6 months old, with 27k mileage. Two tyres are still good, and have maybe 30-50% tyre thread left. I'm not gonna buy a full set of 4 new tyres just because 2 tyres need to be changed.
At the current prices, to buy 2 new 215/45/17 tyres would cost RM 800-1,000. Instead, I moved the pair of good condition Bridgestones to the front, and got 2nd hand tyres for the rear. Priced at RM 110 a piece, with 40% thread left, they're wider (225/45/17) and of different brands ("yin yong" in cantonese):
1. Michelin Pilot Sport - rear right

2. Pirelli P6000 Powergy - rear left

Hopefully they last me for at least another 1 year. Then will go for a more economical set of tyres.
so fast tyre worn out? Can't rotate front to back?
The inner tyre totally gone, forgot to take picture to show. Very dangerous to put at the back coz near to the tyre thread already. Had to get replacements :(
Your front camber maybe is negative
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