I saw 2 X20s this week, but no time to take photo:
- Yesterday, on the way to work
- Today, in Selayang traffic lights
Other Cars
I love what this guy did to the black Neo bodykit. I'm not sure if this is stock, but the greyish-brownish bodykit looks awesome.
I saw this white BMW X6 on Jalan Tun Razak last week. Its so menacing and screams intimidation. So far, I've seen 3 on the road already. Btw, I think the X6 looks like the 3-series on top, with a huge A$$.

On an unrelated note, I dreamt that I crashed a Porsche Cayanne, by parking it on a high gradient slope, and it toppled over... *weird*
so many x20 owners in a small town like kluang. easily saw 5 different ones. best part the town is so small so you keep bumping into them.
At least SOME Kluang ppl have good taste... XD
Yo Jason, the Neo looks like the first batch of R3s that were sold. Or it could just be a normal Neo with R3 kits.
Nice R3 kit!
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