Friday, June 6, 2008

Rebates will cover costs? Hell no...

Second Finance Minister Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop (NMY from now on) told The Edge Financial Daily in an exclusive interview:

If we assume a person travels 50km a day, his cost will go up by RM60 a month. This RM625 is for 10 months that will work out to RM62 a month. It covers the higher cost."

First of all, the idiot should divide by 12 months, which makes the ammount RM 52.08 rounded up to RM 52.10.

Secondly, I wanted to see if his figures tallied, so I did a simple calculation.

Kancil 880 (Manual) Consumption = 17 km/liter

- According to NMY's 50km per day, I will be using: 50km = 2.94 Liters per day

- Therefore the EXTRA that I would be paying is: 2.94 x RM 0.78 = RM 2.29 a day

- In a month, this works out to be: RM 2.29 x 30 = RM 68.70

Monthly Subsidy @ RM 52.10 -vs- Monthly Expenditure @ RM 68.70 EQUALS to an idiot plucking figures from the sky.

When I did the same calculations for my X20 (50km = 5.47 liters/day), the expenditure comes up to RM 128.00 per month.

Monthly Subsidy @ RM 52.10 -vs- Monthly Expenditure @ RM 128.00 EQUALS to an idiot plucking figures from the sky.

The impact for a person who travels 50km a day would be neutral as far as the increase is concerned. If he travels less, he is better off, if he travels more, he will be slightly worse off. Basically, we thought we want to cover the extra cost,” he explained."

- Boooh - sheet! Lets see the subsidies cover your 50 km in your stinking 2.0 V6 Perdana.


Anonymous said...

this what happen when we gave "mandat" to bastard idiot fucking PIGS to govern our beloved country MALAYSIA.

JT said...

haha... I don't encourage profanity, but its your freedom of speech.

I think they're AFRAID and DUMB. If you are AFRAID but smart... you can cover your tracks... but...