We paid the retail price (RM850) for the sheets, 4 for her City (front doors, dual layers) and 4 for me. I did front doors (single layer) and under the rear seats.
The sound proofing took about 3 hours, and Elegance Auto (Kelana Jaya), did a very good and responsible job. However, their staff keeps asking me to buy this, buy that.
1. The driver door with panel removed. Its quite solid by itself, with no gaping "holes". I decided not to sound proof this area, as it has 2 rubber lids which can be sealed / opened (holes). Look at pic 2 and 3 for the close ups of the rubber lids.
2. The original speaker and 1st rubber lid (closed)
3. The 2nd Rubber lid (opened)
4. Rubber lids opened
5. Original speaker. It felt quite solid / heavy, compared to the original City speakers, which are terrible. Wifey didn't allow upgrade... so will have to stick to this one, for now.
6. The (solid) inner panel removed, revealing the outer panel, which has got a safety bar going across the door:
7. The accumat sheet:
8. The sheet was cut in two. Putting up the first piece:
9. After the doors were done, then the back seat.
10. Originally, there was some sound proofing done, but only a portion on the back seat.
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