Sunday, April 6, 2008

Tire Sound Proofing

Had a discussion on sound proofing the rear tires. Some approaches:

1. Install a full plastic cover. Currently, only the cover only runs halfway through the rear tires. Have to look around chop shops for this, and may require modification. Will be hard to install, cos not much mounting area. Not much sound proofing performance, but reduce stones hitting the car sound.

2. Sound proof the interior. A long process, have to remove all seasts. Very very expensive. Adds weight to the car. But best performance in sound proofing.

3. Rust proofing. Dunno much, but SA mention, it will help to sound proof.

4. DIY sound proofing:
  • Mix bitumen with turpentine, and apply a few layers above the tires
  • Or get a can of spray - sound proofing
So, I was at Ace Hardware and bought PLASTI DIP!:

No time to spray-on, most probably will do it next weekend.

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