No time to post pics... my (real) wifey is sick...
Still to come, Halogen and Sub pics and review.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Stripping the booty...

Went to Brother Peter at DU to check out their sound proofing services. Here's what I found.
According to the box, its an Australian product of tar & bitumen mixture. The sheets are sticky black stuff on 1 side and aluminum foil at the other, with size 25cm x 50cm.
The X20 has almost NO sound proofing in the boot. There's a tiny strip of hardened rubber in the pic below (right above the tire):

Besides that, its hollow and rattling metal parts:

Sound proofing is a tedious job. The workmanship is very important. For my Kenari, it took a whole day (about 5 hours), to do up 2 doors and another day to do the boot.
This guy below, is sound proofing the C-pillars:

The last bits are the top of the boot, where Mr. Peter assured me that it won't fall off.

The whole process took about 4 hours.
After completing the sound proofing, the spare tire screw did not want to go in (due to the raised boot floor level). Their guys "modified" the screw to add length to it. Will get pics next time.
It happened all so fast. Here's whats new:
- Kenwood Class-D 1800W Monoblock amp

- Kenwood 12" Double voicecoil, double magnet subwoofer (the website shows the 10" version)

Installed in a small but solid, ported box. The box had a fancy cover, but it didn't fit the huge sub. After installation, I auditioned the sub, and I was quite disappointed with the sound.
It was boomy. The boot and 3rd brake light was rattling continuously. The sound just didn't blend. I asked the technician to reduce the bass and drove off, looking for boot sound proofing.
- Kenwood Class-D 1800W Monoblock amp

- Kenwood 12" Double voicecoil, double magnet subwoofer (the website shows the 10" version)

Installed in a small but solid, ported box. The box had a fancy cover, but it didn't fit the huge sub. After installation, I auditioned the sub, and I was quite disappointed with the sound.
It was boomy. The boot and 3rd brake light was rattling continuously. The sound just didn't blend. I asked the technician to reduce the bass and drove off, looking for boot sound proofing.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The HID Battle... is lost.
After weeks of HID problems research on its legality, I've changed back to halogen lights. The last straw was an article in Utusan that was Paul Tan linked up. Read HERE (Paul Tan) and HERE (Utusan-BM).
Anyway, the new halogen bulbs are PIAA Xtreme Force 4700k, bought & installed at Eneos at RM 258. (after 15% discount and RM20 installation fee). Took out my made-in-China HIDs to be sent back to Kluang for warranty claim. After the claim, I dunno what I'm gonna do with the new set. Maybe sell it at a loss... *sigh*
The new lights are so dim, compared to the HID, but at least its legal and therefore, my wife won't get in trouble with JPJ/coppers if she's driving alone at night. Will post pics later, as its been a busy weekend.
Anyway, the new halogen bulbs are PIAA Xtreme Force 4700k, bought & installed at Eneos at RM 258. (after 15% discount and RM20 installation fee). Took out my made-in-China HIDs to be sent back to Kluang for warranty claim. After the claim, I dunno what I'm gonna do with the new set. Maybe sell it at a loss... *sigh*
The new lights are so dim, compared to the HID, but at least its legal and therefore, my wife won't get in trouble with JPJ/coppers if she's driving alone at night. Will post pics later, as its been a busy weekend.
Automatic Transmission Fluid (2)
In Penang, its part of the 1st service package to change ATF and some other stuff, as posted by Vovoa:
But mtuc mentioned that his technican and workshop supervisor said only need to change ATF every 40K mileage.
- gasket oil plug rm1.50
- transmission oil plug washer rm3.00
- w/screen cleaner rm5.50
- oil filter rm14.50
- auto gear oil tqm - sp rm98
- semi-syn engine oil 4.0l rm85.00
- less discount for parts 15% (rm2.17)
But mtuc mentioned that his technican and workshop supervisor said only need to change ATF every 40K mileage.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Automatic Transmission Fluid
Posted by Vegatron on TeamHyundaiMalaysia:
Topic: Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
This topic was discussed extensively over in AW. It's confirmed that our cars must run on SPIII or compatible ATF. It seems some SCs are using DexronIII fluid when they service elantra.
All elantra owners please check back what ATF did your SC use the last time u changed your ATF. If it is DexronIII please quickly change it to SPIII otherwise your gearbox will be damaged in the long run.
ATF suitable for elantra:
Mitsubishi Diamond SPIII
Hyundai SPIII
Castrol TQM-ST
Proton SPIII
Later on, mtuc posted on this issue:
At the KB SC Jln Ipoh..I saw them using Caltex ATF with SPIII. Also confirm X20 not require to replace the ATF filter.Just flush or change ATF fluid, that all.
Topic: Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF)
This topic was discussed extensively over in AW. It's confirmed that our cars must run on SPIII or compatible ATF. It seems some SCs are using DexronIII fluid when they service elantra.
All elantra owners please check back what ATF did your SC use the last time u changed your ATF. If it is DexronIII please quickly change it to SPIII otherwise your gearbox will be damaged in the long run.
ATF suitable for elantra:
Mitsubishi Diamond SPIII
Hyundai SPIII
Castrol TQM-ST
Proton SPIII
Later on, mtuc posted on this issue:
At the KB SC Jln Ipoh..I saw them using Caltex ATF with SPIII. Also confirm X20 not require to replace the ATF filter.Just flush or change ATF fluid, that all.

Thursday, March 27, 2008
HID is illegal in M'sia? Nobody really knows.
Was reading on whether HIDs are illegal or not. These are some info that I found from that thread:
- JPJ website says yellow and white lights are OK to be used. Blue, Green and Purple are illegal. However, no information on HID found there.
- Sin Chew Negri Sembilan Edition (Dec '07) says HID is banned due to continuous complains from road users.
- A forummer (TitanRev) wrote in to Sin Chew, and the e-mail got published with a JPJ officer responding to his points:
"You can sell drugs, firearms or plan a robbery and it's not illegal. but...
Those who buy and use drugs, firearms or rob the bank is wrong...
If like this I also go sell drugs loh~~can make big money and legal too...Stupid, really stupid. I know some might think it's a different thing. YES, they are different but the concept is 100% same.
My feeling is, JPJ don't have the intention to totally ban HID. Why? because it will be like cutting down their own money highway. If they cut it 100%, no more extra income for them. Then they will have to search for another fault to fine the road user."
"The officer (also) said they will judge whether a car's headlight is glaring or not by just observing it with their eyes. Yes, you heard me right "Observe with their chicken eye" to determine whether your head lights is glaring or not....Hahahahahahahaha. Joke of the year.
No special equipments or light measuring tools to judge the brightness of the light. If like this die lah~~This is how "high" tech our Malaysian JPJ is. I hope they keep staring into the lights until the eyes become blind."
TitanRev followed up with an e-mail and official letter to JPJ. He took photos, modified a glare shield and finally switched back to halogen lights.
Few forummers and friends have been summoned RM 200 and requested to go to JPJ for inspection. Few have bribed, and mentioned its more worth it to bribe (RM 10 - 50). One guy got caught 3 times on a highway, and bribed 3 times in a night.
Another thread here:
- There is a Star article here. These are my comments:
More news (Oct '07):
"Transportation Minister Seri Chan Kong Choy said today (Tuesday, 17), the government has not banned Xenon lights (Xenon HID bulb), However, owners of the use of xenon gas lights must comply with the regulations and standards. He said that the Ministry of regulations and standards is in line with international standards UNEEC. Therefore, as long as the owners comply with these standards and access to the land to the Department of Transportation approval, we can use xenon gas lights."
A funny story from Nismo:
"that day they kacau me asking me "ni lampu kuasa berapa?"
me : .....
ni lampu putih salah tau?
me : ha ye ke? surat khabar semua tak tulis pun?
ye ke, tapi memang salah lah, i saman rm200, mcm mana?
me : .... tapi setiap minggu saya ada pergi laman web jpj dan update, website mereka tak tulis pun?
iya lah, lampu putih salah ni, xenon kan
me : hmmm saya ada document laman jpj juga, nak tengok? (i did print it out to keep in my car)
ok bagi saya tengok.
me : (finding the page) they actually wrote halogen white and yellow is allowed, so i`m trying to show him the "LAMPU PUTIH" since he so fav the word
while i was searching.....
ni ada tanda tangan tak?
me : tak ada lah, ni website jpj, i check setiap minggu
oh tak ada tanda tangan tak boleh lah..... u kena minta tandatangan siapa tu?.... ermmmmmmmm ahhh tan kong choi, kalau ada surat dia, kita boleh lepas
me : (WTF)...
macam mana? i saman rm200 ok?
me : (damn wasting my time he just want money) oklah tolong sikit la
macam mana tolong? kena berani lah....
me : saya belanja minum ke?
me : 30 lah
aduiiiiiiii jauhnya, saman rm200 tau, rm50 lah
me : (arghhhh damn wasting my time) ok lah (give it to him)
then he pat me, eh u pergi minta tandatangan lah
me : siapa?
tan kong choi
me : macam mana? kat mana?
ermmmm... tak ape lah, you pergi tanya kedai acc yg you pasang itu, tanya ini lampu kuasa berapa, contohnya, kuasa 4 tak boleh lah, kuasa 2 boleh lepas (WHAT THE F*** HE MEANT?)
me : okla boss u tengok, beam saya ni tak kacau mata orang (in front of my car was a police car, i purposely stop there to show my beam is not glaring)
then he look at the police car in a blur face, ohhh tak lah lampu putih mmg salah
me : bukan, you tengok saya punya lampu tak tinggi, tak kacau mata org
see again with blur face and i feel he wanna leave asap coz got the money already he seems dont understand what i`m talking about. Then i give my final try with layman explanation, he seems dont understand. I doubt he knows why people is complaning bout HID. "
And lastly, a short & funny story from Titan Rev:
Hope you guys don't flame me doing this....I have been using HID on my Frontier...then after this ban thing came I switch back to Halos to avoid any problems but i adjust the halos to higher..well...basically means blinding...I do this as to show those JPJ guys that not just HID glare..even Halos...after driving 1 month like this and keep getting flashes from opposite cars...I felt quite sorry for them as I wasn't targeting sorry to all road users...
Then on the faithful night of 7 July 10:35pm on my way back . I saw a JPJ patrol car in what did I do ? ...I charge up to it cause they where not driving fast. headlight blind them from behind and I just keep following them until we reach Jalan Templer. The JPJ patrol on his strobe and I was pull a's how the conver goes.
JPJ: Encik, you punya lampu besar guna HID kah ?
Me: Eh..mana ada..encik you pi tengok betul betul...
I shut off my engine (pop my hood) with my glove on took out the bulb and showed him in the face...Nah tengok ni...original punya bulb mana ada HID.
JPJ: Tapi you punya lampu sanget \"gering\"..
Me: Apa ?? gering ?? maksud encik glaring kan ?
JPJ: Ah..gering kah...glaring kah sama jugak...
Me: So macam man...saya takda guna mau saman kah ?
JPJ: takda balik rumah kasih adjust sikit....sangat glaring tau..
Me: Ye keh....Saya ingat JPJ cakap HID glaring saja..lampu kuning takda glaring punya....
JPJ: mana saya tau....
Me: Encik, you tau tak lampu kuning takda adjust baik baik pun boleh glaring tau bukan HID saja...
JPJ: ....pause for a second....
Me: So lampu kuning glaring takda saman lah..HID glaring ada lah...
JPJ: HID JPJ kacau lah...lampu kuning mau kacau apa...orignal punya...
JPJ: You ingat, balik pi adjust lampu tu tau ?
Me: OK OK...
then off i from the conversationwith them it seems like they dont give a shit about glaring halos why ? they can't saman them...just tell them to samans mean no income for them loh....Nvm after things gone down already..back to my HIDs..Hehehehe
My conclusion is:
- Don't install HID if scared kena summon
- If install, try to get below 4300K to be safe
- You can also go for white halogens, but I heard somebody got summoned for that too. *sigh*
- JPJ website says yellow and white lights are OK to be used. Blue, Green and Purple are illegal. However, no information on HID found there.
- Sin Chew Negri Sembilan Edition (Dec '07) says HID is banned due to continuous complains from road users.
- A forummer (TitanRev) wrote in to Sin Chew, and the e-mail got published with a JPJ officer responding to his points:
- TitanRev: If JPJ want to totally "ban" HID, they should go after shops.
- JPJ Officer: Those who sell HID is not illegal..... only those who use them is illegal...
"You can sell drugs, firearms or plan a robbery and it's not illegal. but...
Those who buy and use drugs, firearms or rob the bank is wrong...
If like this I also go sell drugs loh~~can make big money and legal too...Stupid, really stupid. I know some might think it's a different thing. YES, they are different but the concept is 100% same.
My feeling is, JPJ don't have the intention to totally ban HID. Why? because it will be like cutting down their own money highway. If they cut it 100%, no more extra income for them. Then they will have to search for another fault to fine the road user."
"The officer (also) said they will judge whether a car's headlight is glaring or not by just observing it with their eyes. Yes, you heard me right "Observe with their chicken eye" to determine whether your head lights is glaring or not....Hahahahahahahaha. Joke of the year.
No special equipments or light measuring tools to judge the brightness of the light. If like this die lah~~This is how "high" tech our Malaysian JPJ is. I hope they keep staring into the lights until the eyes become blind."
TitanRev followed up with an e-mail and official letter to JPJ. He took photos, modified a glare shield and finally switched back to halogen lights.
Few forummers and friends have been summoned RM 200 and requested to go to JPJ for inspection. Few have bribed, and mentioned its more worth it to bribe (RM 10 - 50). One guy got caught 3 times on a highway, and bribed 3 times in a night.
Another thread here:
- There is a Star article here. These are my comments:
- "The Road Transport Department (JPJ) will act against vehicle owners who modify their headlamps with bright Xenon lights that are blinding to other motorists at night." ME: So what if the Xenon lights are NOT blinding to other motorists at night?
- " JPJ Director of Enforcement Salim Parlan said the Xenon lights could blind drivers of vehicles coming from the opposite direction or in front of them." ME: Yeah, if they are not angled correctly, or don't have a proper glare shield or HID cover.
- "He said the JPJ had received several complaints from the public on these modified headlamps and would take immediate action against modification beyond the set standard under the Road Transport Act 1987." ME: What the heck is the set standard in Road Transport Act 1987? Where the heck are the details? Nobody really knows. Cheesy!
- "The Road Transport Act provides for a RM200 fine for modification to a vehicle without the approval of JPJ's technical authorities." ME: This is such a general rule, provisioned SOLELY to allow JPJ officers to "cari makan". If this rule is really enforced, when you upgrade your battery to maintenance free batteries, please fill up the JPJ modification form. Same goes for performance air filters, grounding cables, car audio equipment, strut bars, etc. Stupid rule, quoted by a dungu.
More news (Oct '07):
"Transportation Minister Seri Chan Kong Choy said today (Tuesday, 17), the government has not banned Xenon lights (Xenon HID bulb), However, owners of the use of xenon gas lights must comply with the regulations and standards. He said that the Ministry of regulations and standards is in line with international standards UNEEC. Therefore, as long as the owners comply with these standards and access to the land to the Department of Transportation approval, we can use xenon gas lights."
A funny story from Nismo:
"that day they kacau me asking me "ni lampu kuasa berapa?"
me : .....
ni lampu putih salah tau?
me : ha ye ke? surat khabar semua tak tulis pun?
ye ke, tapi memang salah lah, i saman rm200, mcm mana?
me : .... tapi setiap minggu saya ada pergi laman web jpj dan update, website mereka tak tulis pun?
iya lah, lampu putih salah ni, xenon kan
me : hmmm saya ada document laman jpj juga, nak tengok? (i did print it out to keep in my car)
ok bagi saya tengok.
me : (finding the page) they actually wrote halogen white and yellow is allowed, so i`m trying to show him the "LAMPU PUTIH" since he so fav the word
while i was searching.....
ni ada tanda tangan tak?
me : tak ada lah, ni website jpj, i check setiap minggu
oh tak ada tanda tangan tak boleh lah..... u kena minta tandatangan siapa tu?.... ermmmmmmmm ahhh tan kong choi, kalau ada surat dia, kita boleh lepas
me : (WTF)...
macam mana? i saman rm200 ok?
me : (damn wasting my time he just want money) oklah tolong sikit la
macam mana tolong? kena berani lah....
me : saya belanja minum ke?
me : 30 lah
aduiiiiiiii jauhnya, saman rm200 tau, rm50 lah
me : (arghhhh damn wasting my time) ok lah (give it to him)
then he pat me, eh u pergi minta tandatangan lah
me : siapa?
tan kong choi
me : macam mana? kat mana?
ermmmm... tak ape lah, you pergi tanya kedai acc yg you pasang itu, tanya ini lampu kuasa berapa, contohnya, kuasa 4 tak boleh lah, kuasa 2 boleh lepas (WHAT THE F*** HE MEANT?)

me : okla boss u tengok, beam saya ni tak kacau mata orang (in front of my car was a police car, i purposely stop there to show my beam is not glaring)
then he look at the police car in a blur face, ohhh tak lah lampu putih mmg salah
me : bukan, you tengok saya punya lampu tak tinggi, tak kacau mata org
see again with blur face and i feel he wanna leave asap coz got the money already he seems dont understand what i`m talking about. Then i give my final try with layman explanation, he seems dont understand. I doubt he knows why people is complaning bout HID. "
And lastly, a short & funny story from Titan Rev:
Hope you guys don't flame me doing this....I have been using HID on my Frontier...then after this ban thing came I switch back to Halos to avoid any problems but i adjust the halos to higher..well...basically means blinding...I do this as to show those JPJ guys that not just HID glare..even Halos...after driving 1 month like this and keep getting flashes from opposite cars...I felt quite sorry for them as I wasn't targeting sorry to all road users...
Then on the faithful night of 7 July 10:35pm on my way back . I saw a JPJ patrol car in what did I do ? ...I charge up to it cause they where not driving fast. headlight blind them from behind and I just keep following them until we reach Jalan Templer. The JPJ patrol on his strobe and I was pull a's how the conver goes.
JPJ: Encik, you punya lampu besar guna HID kah ?
Me: Eh..mana ada..encik you pi tengok betul betul...
I shut off my engine (pop my hood) with my glove on took out the bulb and showed him in the face...Nah tengok ni...original punya bulb mana ada HID.
JPJ: Tapi you punya lampu sanget \"gering\"..
Me: Apa ?? gering ?? maksud encik glaring kan ?
JPJ: Ah..gering kah...glaring kah sama jugak...
Me: So macam man...saya takda guna mau saman kah ?
JPJ: takda balik rumah kasih adjust sikit....sangat glaring tau..
Me: Ye keh....Saya ingat JPJ cakap HID glaring saja..lampu kuning takda glaring punya....
JPJ: mana saya tau....
Me: Encik, you tau tak lampu kuning takda adjust baik baik pun boleh glaring tau bukan HID saja...
JPJ: ....pause for a second....
Me: So lampu kuning glaring takda saman lah..HID glaring ada lah...
JPJ: HID JPJ kacau lah...lampu kuning mau kacau apa...orignal punya...
JPJ: You ingat, balik pi adjust lampu tu tau ?
Me: OK OK...
then off i from the conversationwith them it seems like they dont give a shit about glaring halos why ? they can't saman them...just tell them to samans mean no income for them loh....Nvm after things gone down already..back to my HIDs..Hehehehe
My conclusion is:
- Don't install HID if scared kena summon
- If install, try to get below 4300K to be safe
- You can also go for white halogens, but I heard somebody got summoned for that too. *sigh*
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Not driving the X20
Driving the Kancil on the highway is quite a dangerous feat. However, I've found the car to be quick zippy, I believe its due to its weight.
Not much time this week to think about the car, however there are still 3 things pending:
- Check V-Cool tinting for bubbles
- Install spark earth (HID flickering)
- PPS (with Kumar from TeamHyundaiMalaysia)
This weekend should be quite busy.
Not much time this week to think about the car, however there are still 3 things pending:
- Check V-Cool tinting for bubbles
- Install spark earth (HID flickering)
- PPS (with Kumar from TeamHyundaiMalaysia)
This weekend should be quite busy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Smart tunnel has been closed on Monday and Tuesday, causing a major jam on Sg. Besi highway. On Monday, I drove the X20 to work, and crawled like a snail through the Sg. Besi jam. However, on Tuesday, I drove the Kancil, and I detoured to Mahameru and Tun Razak, which was also jammed, but moving. Was late to work for these 2 days. #$%^&*&^%$#.
My HID lights are flickering again. On Sunday morning, the left bulb was totally off, and it happened on Sunday night as well. The HID lights started flickering after:
1. Hyundai First Service
2. Installed Air Ionizer
I'll remove the air ionizer for a week to check!
My HID lights are flickering again. On Sunday morning, the left bulb was totally off, and it happened on Sunday night as well. The HID lights started flickering after:
1. Hyundai First Service
2. Installed Air Ionizer
I'll remove the air ionizer for a week to check!
Monday, March 24, 2008
X20 Sightings... and also Advante sightings...
I saw a Sapphire Silver X20 on Jalan Ampang this afternoon, around 2pm. Was going to Raja Chulan for work, and passed a weird looking car. I must say that the sapphire silver rear end looks kinda weird. Even my colleague in my car said that. "Black doesn't make the rear end look funny." - Hon Yau, 2008.
An indian guy with Penang plate (PHR ***) was driving:

This is my 4th X20 I saw on the road. The rest are:
1. Before I got my car, I was in Tmn Megah for futsal. I got into my Kenari, sweaty and ready to head home, I saw a sapphire silver X20 parked right in front of me. It was A SIGN from HEAVEN! No, it was not.

2. A few days after I got my car, I was in Petaling Garden with wifey. After picking up my car from a car wash, I saw a Silver X20 coming my way. I drove past him, a chinese guy with long hair, and he made a U-turn. I came back after 5 minutes, and saw the driver at the Mamak. Sorry no pics.
3. Saw an Advante at Kluang, Johor.
Hope to see more of this beautiful car on the road! :)
An indian guy with Penang plate (PHR ***) was driving:

This is my 4th X20 I saw on the road. The rest are:
1. Before I got my car, I was in Tmn Megah for futsal. I got into my Kenari, sweaty and ready to head home, I saw a sapphire silver X20 parked right in front of me. It was A SIGN from HEAVEN! No, it was not.
2. A few days after I got my car, I was in Petaling Garden with wifey. After picking up my car from a car wash, I saw a Silver X20 coming my way. I drove past him, a chinese guy with long hair, and he made a U-turn. I came back after 5 minutes, and saw the driver at the Mamak. Sorry no pics.
3. Saw an Advante at Kluang, Johor.
Hope to see more of this beautiful car on the road! :)
Front Grill and Head Lights
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Alignment or Steering Wheel Problem
My car still steers to the left (to the left *music*) slightly. I think I know what the problem is.
While driving, around 40km/h, I swerve to the right, and release the steering. The feedback will pull the steering back to default (straight). However, my steering wheel resolves slightly to the left!
I did the same, by swerving to the left. And again, the steering wheel resolves slightly to the left.
I've done it at a few roads now with the same results.
I think its the steering default position thats a little off center! Will check with Svc Center again. Oh dear... no time to go over again... *sigh*
While driving, around 40km/h, I swerve to the right, and release the steering. The feedback will pull the steering back to default (straight). However, my steering wheel resolves slightly to the left!
I did the same, by swerving to the left. And again, the steering wheel resolves slightly to the left.
I've done it at a few roads now with the same results.
I think its the steering default position thats a little off center! Will check with Svc Center again. Oh dear... no time to go over again... *sigh*
Kah Bintang - Contact Us - Contact You Back!
Remember my e-mail to Hyundai?
Sam called me this evening to let me know some info.
The X20 AUTO mode (climate control) not only controls the temperature, but also the humidity. It measures the humidity outside and inside the car, and balances it (don't know how).
Therefore, when you start the car, set the climate control to the 20C and the RECYCLE AIR button will come on. However, after driving a while, it will turn OFF. Reduce the temperature (to LOW) and the RECYCLE AIR button will turn on again!
Another gripe of mine is the climate control sets the MODE. Eg. Cannot change to leg mode.
I'm not sure if these are good features, but this is how the car air cond is tuned. Unless you know how to tune it, we'll just have to live with it.
Kudos to Kah Bintang for a quick response time!
Sam called me this evening to let me know some info.
The X20 AUTO mode (climate control) not only controls the temperature, but also the humidity. It measures the humidity outside and inside the car, and balances it (don't know how).
Therefore, when you start the car, set the climate control to the 20C and the RECYCLE AIR button will come on. However, after driving a while, it will turn OFF. Reduce the temperature (to LOW) and the RECYCLE AIR button will turn on again!
Another gripe of mine is the climate control sets the MODE. Eg. Cannot change to leg mode.
I'm not sure if these are good features, but this is how the car air cond is tuned. Unless you know how to tune it, we'll just have to live with it.
Kudos to Kah Bintang for a quick response time!
X20 on the Net
There are alot of reviews on the net about this wonderful car.
Just to highlight 2 of them:
1) Edmunds Full Test: 2007 Hyundai Elantra
- Its a spacious COMPACT SEDAN
- " Although the new Nissan Sentra is larger on the outside, the Elantra has more interior volume than the Sentra, and the Hyundai's front-seat legroom is more generous than anything in its class."
- Talking about the chasis, "9-percent stiffer than even that of the Toyota Corolla"
- "If you restrain yourself at highway speed, the Elantra is actually fractionally quieter than a Honda Civic."
2) Youtube - Fuel Reviews
- "An entry level vehicle"
- "Different from its competitors"
- "Its KINDA nice to drive"... "Its ACTUALLY nice to drive!"
- "$15,000 base entry vehicle... buying their first car... or a parent sending their kids off to college... someone buying a vehicle to get from A to B."
- 3.50 Q factor (Gadget Score)
- 3.25 Curb Appeal
- 3.00 Performance
- 4.00 Fit and Finish
- 3.75 Drivability
TOTAL 17.5 / 25.00 = 70%
Just to highlight 2 of them:
1) Edmunds Full Test: 2007 Hyundai Elantra
- Its a spacious COMPACT SEDAN
- " Although the new Nissan Sentra is larger on the outside, the Elantra has more interior volume than the Sentra, and the Hyundai's front-seat legroom is more generous than anything in its class."
- Talking about the chasis, "9-percent stiffer than even that of the Toyota Corolla"
- "If you restrain yourself at highway speed, the Elantra is actually fractionally quieter than a Honda Civic."
2) Youtube - Fuel Reviews
- "An entry level vehicle"
- "Different from its competitors"
- "Its KINDA nice to drive"... "Its ACTUALLY nice to drive!"
- "$15,000 base entry vehicle... buying their first car... or a parent sending their kids off to college... someone buying a vehicle to get from A to B."
- 3.50 Q factor (Gadget Score)
- 3.25 Curb Appeal
- 3.00 Performance
- 4.00 Fit and Finish
- 3.75 Drivability
TOTAL 17.5 / 25.00 = 70%
OZ Racing Rims
My set of rims, OZ Racing "Record"

Cut ups of the article:
"... light weight, deep attachment and five robust spokes..."
Cut ups of the article:
"... light weight, deep attachment and five robust spokes..."
" off the disc brake callipers to their best..."
"Interventions to reduce weight can be seen on the five central load lighteners and the technical spoke ends with their thinned attachment at the edge."
Talking about the paint finish,"...three applications of Race Silver coating..."

But its strange coz this model is not on their international website.
"Interventions to reduce weight can be seen on the five central load lighteners and the technical spoke ends with their thinned attachment at the edge."
Talking about the paint finish,"...three applications of Race Silver coating..."

But its strange coz this model is not on their international website.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Kah Bintang - Contact Us
Lets see if this works:
"Hello. I brought my Elantra 2008 for 1k Service at Kah Bintang Jln. 223. I would like to inquire on the air-cond system in the Elantra 2008 model, as the Service Center staff did not provide me a decent reply.
There is an AUTO mode which enables climate control in the car. When AUTO mode is used, the air-cond system turns off the RECYCLE AIR button. Therefore, outside air is sucked into the car. Manually selecting the RECYCLE AIR button turns off the AUTO mode. Please advise whether AUTO mode can be programmed to use RECYCLE AIR.
FYI, RECYCLE AIR button is to reuse the internal air in the car for the air-cond. Turning off the RECYCLE AIR button allows outside air (smoke/dirt particles) to enter the car's cabin.
Your prompt reply / escalation on this matter is appreciated."
"Hello. I brought my Elantra 2008 for 1k Service at Kah Bintang Jln. 223. I would like to inquire on the air-cond system in the Elantra 2008 model, as the Service Center staff did not provide me a decent reply.
There is an AUTO mode which enables climate control in the car. When AUTO mode is used, the air-cond system turns off the RECYCLE AIR button. Therefore, outside air is sucked into the car. Manually selecting the RECYCLE AIR button turns off the AUTO mode. Please advise whether AUTO mode can be programmed to use RECYCLE AIR.
FYI, RECYCLE AIR button is to reuse the internal air in the car for the air-cond. Turning off the RECYCLE AIR button allows outside air (smoke/dirt particles) to enter the car's cabin.
Your prompt reply / escalation on this matter is appreciated."
Summary of 1k Service
Finally back home. The 1k service took 2 hours which included:
- Engine oil (Castrol Semi) & filter (15% discount for the filter)
- Alignment (F.O.C)
- Headrest replacement (F.O.C)
- Car wash (F.O.C)
- Short discussion on aircond
Total cost = RM 104.33
Satisfied with service provided.

However, regarding the air-con air circulation when set to auto, I asked my SA who checked with the service guys. They were not aware of this till this morning. Then they asked their superior / manager, who took a look and then said... "Auto maaaaah".
Looks like I'll have to escalate this higher... Stay TUNED!
- Engine oil (Castrol Semi) & filter (15% discount for the filter)
- Alignment (F.O.C)
- Headrest replacement (F.O.C)
- Car wash (F.O.C)
- Short discussion on aircond
Total cost = RM 104.33
Satisfied with service provided.

However, regarding the air-con air circulation when set to auto, I asked my SA who checked with the service guys. They were not aware of this till this morning. Then they asked their superior / manager, who took a look and then said... "Auto maaaaah".
Looks like I'll have to escalate this higher... Stay TUNED!
Found another scratch on the X20. The first was on the left side mirror. The second, on the front left fender. Tiny, but noticeable.
Theres some air bubbles in the front passenger window. Looks like another trip back to V-Cool.
The rear undercarriage, right above the tires are quite funny. There is sound proofing done above the left tire, but only half done for the right tire! Tried knocking the undercarriage, and the difference is:
1. Left - Thud, Thud
2. Right - Klank, Klank
SA advised to do anti-rust in Tmn. Mayang to help the undercarriage sound proofing.
Btw, if you send ur car for service, please tell the service center whether u want car wash or not.
Theres some air bubbles in the front passenger window. Looks like another trip back to V-Cool.
The rear undercarriage, right above the tires are quite funny. There is sound proofing done above the left tire, but only half done for the right tire! Tried knocking the undercarriage, and the difference is:
1. Left - Thud, Thud
2. Right - Klank, Klank
SA advised to do anti-rust in Tmn. Mayang to help the undercarriage sound proofing.
Btw, if you send ur car for service, please tell the service center whether u want car wash or not.
Elantra Spoiler coming soon?
Hyundai coming out with spoiler for Elantra. Just spoke to my SA and he mentioned they did measurements for the elantra butt recently. Most probably will be a small lip, like this one:

Or this one:

Pics courtesy of CK from Team Hyundai Malaysia forums.
Stay tuned!

Or this one:

Pics courtesy of CK from Team Hyundai Malaysia forums.
Stay tuned!
Elantra 1k Service
9.00am Saturday morning. Kah Bintang Jalan 223.
Its quite a large service center with both new cars and cars waiting to be serviced. There was a old Honda CRV there for service as well. Apparently this service center was a Honda service center before.
They say first impressions leave a lasting effect. My first impression of the service center was not to good. However the staff there were much better than my previous Perodua service center. Although their infrastructure is not as modern, they're service is excellant.
Both the sales manager and SA came over to say "hi" and chat. The guys working on the car knew what they were doing, and were quite friendly. Pics after service is done.
Note: If you have alignment problems, don't wait till 1k service to fix it. Do it now. You may not get free alignment service AFTER 1k. Also don't change your rims before doing the alignment.
Its quite a large service center with both new cars and cars waiting to be serviced. There was a old Honda CRV there for service as well. Apparently this service center was a Honda service center before.
They say first impressions leave a lasting effect. My first impression of the service center was not to good. However the staff there were much better than my previous Perodua service center. Although their infrastructure is not as modern, they're service is excellant.
Both the sales manager and SA came over to say "hi" and chat. The guys working on the car knew what they were doing, and were quite friendly. Pics after service is done.
Note: If you have alignment problems, don't wait till 1k service to fix it. Do it now. You may not get free alignment service AFTER 1k. Also don't change your rims before doing the alignment.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Medklinn Mobile - Car Ionizer
Thursday, March 20, 2008
X20 Problems
There are a few glitches, even to a great car like the X20.
1. The alignment is a little out. When I changed the rims & tires, they told me I would need to change the camber screw, which may void the warranty. So they suggested that I service the alignment at Kah Bintang. Which will happen tomorrow!
2. Wiper speed setting is a little crazy. When I turn on the wipers (intermittant speed), there are 5 adjustment levels, with the intervals at the following speeds:
- 15 seconds
- 11 s
- 6 s
- 4 s
- 2.5 s
Sometimes, when set to intermittant speed, it runs continuously. Have to off, push up once, and its back to normal.
3. The head rest thread is coming out. Dunno if service center can do anything about this.
4. This is not a problem, but the car specification; when air-cond is set to AUTO mode, the internal air circulation is turned off. What happens is, when we use climate control, the air-cond sucks air from outside. There is no way (as far as I know), to use climate control (AUTO mode) with internal air circulation. I wonder if service center can reprogram the air-cond controller settings.
Hmm... we'll see TOMORROW!
1. The alignment is a little out. When I changed the rims & tires, they told me I would need to change the camber screw, which may void the warranty. So they suggested that I service the alignment at Kah Bintang. Which will happen tomorrow!
2. Wiper speed setting is a little crazy. When I turn on the wipers (intermittant speed), there are 5 adjustment levels, with the intervals at the following speeds:
- 15 seconds
- 11 s
- 6 s
- 4 s
- 2.5 s
Sometimes, when set to intermittant speed, it runs continuously. Have to off, push up once, and its back to normal.
3. The head rest thread is coming out. Dunno if service center can do anything about this.
4. This is not a problem, but the car specification; when air-cond is set to AUTO mode, the internal air circulation is turned off. What happens is, when we use climate control, the air-cond sucks air from outside. There is no way (as far as I know), to use climate control (AUTO mode) with internal air circulation. I wonder if service center can reprogram the air-cond controller settings.
Hmm... we'll see TOMORROW!
Team Hyundai Malaysia - CK
Met CK while he was doing his PPS @ Shine And Shield for his blackie. A detailed commentary is reported at Team Hyundai Malaysia's forum here:
CK's Black Elantra X20 PPS Review (Team Hyundai Malaysia Forums)
He's a nice guy, who's got alot of time on his hands (not a bad thing...) and loves his car. Gonna soup up his alarm system soon. Stay tuned for more info.
CK's Black Elantra X20 PPS Review (Team Hyundai Malaysia Forums)
He's a nice guy, who's got alot of time on his hands (not a bad thing...) and loves his car. Gonna soup up his alarm system soon. Stay tuned for more info.
piv·ot (n.) - A short rod or shaft on which a related part rotates or swings.
Still feeling sick today. The sore throat is not a little better. Damn virus... @#$%^&*
Just came back frm N1. Their sales guy quoted the Pivot blue raizin @ RM 250. Installation is another RM 40. No nego at all. I asked if I were to buy additional stuff, would they install it together? Eg. the Spark Earth? The answer is "NO." Spark Earth installation another RM 20. "Very easy to install wan... you can install yourself..." He said, as he showed me the grounding points guide.
Almost didn't want to install cos no discount. After considering a while, I decided to pay the extra rm40. Thank goodness I did, coz the installation is not as easy as I thought. I wouldn't be able to do it as neatly as their Indian staff named Marcus.
N1 workshop is about 5 minutes drive from their shop. During the installation, one of their Chinese staff advised to install the pivot spark earth (improve grounding) and the yellow spark raizin (improve ignition) as well. He's using it in his own Satria and has lotsa improvements to torque and engine idling. I said, "maybe next time".
So far, no noticeable torque/engine improvement. Will test out my lights tonight. Before that, some pics:

Just came back frm N1. Their sales guy quoted the Pivot blue raizin @ RM 250. Installation is another RM 40. No nego at all. I asked if I were to buy additional stuff, would they install it together? Eg. the Spark Earth? The answer is "NO." Spark Earth installation another RM 20. "Very easy to install wan... you can install yourself..." He said, as he showed me the grounding points guide.
Almost didn't want to install cos no discount. After considering a while, I decided to pay the extra rm40. Thank goodness I did, coz the installation is not as easy as I thought. I wouldn't be able to do it as neatly as their Indian staff named Marcus.
N1 workshop is about 5 minutes drive from their shop. During the installation, one of their Chinese staff advised to install the pivot spark earth (improve grounding) and the yellow spark raizin (improve ignition) as well. He's using it in his own Satria and has lotsa improvements to torque and engine idling. I said, "maybe next time".
So far, no noticeable torque/engine improvement. Will test out my lights tonight. Before that, some pics:

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
CK from hyundai forums did his PPS today at Sunway. Met up with him and chat for a while. Nice chap. His driver's head rest thread also coming out... hehe...
I've almost lost my voice due to some virus thingy. Sore throat is really irritating. Medication is helping to ease the pain a little, but still feeling sore.
My car is due for service soon. 920km already. Its only 6 days old.
Most probably will bring it to service on Friday @ Kah Bintang 223.
My car is due for service soon. 920km already. Its only 6 days old.
Most probably will bring it to service on Friday @ Kah Bintang 223.
Monday, March 17, 2008
When i got the car, the alignment was slightly out. The car steered to the left. Just a little.
When i changed the rims, the tire shop people tried to adjust it, but mentioned that they will need to change a screw. According to them, this may void the warranty, so they didn't do it.
Next is to bring it back to Hyundai (for the 1k service) for alignment adjustment.
When i changed the rims, the tire shop people tried to adjust it, but mentioned that they will need to change a screw. According to them, this may void the warranty, so they didn't do it.
Next is to bring it back to Hyundai (for the 1k service) for alignment adjustment.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Maintaining Black Cars
I've been either cleaning, wiping or sending to wash/polish/wax daily since I got the black x20.
- Sent to RM5 indian car wash at Petaling Garden. Btw, I saw a silver x20 with a chinese guy with long pony tail having tea nearby.
- The wax and high gloss finish done at Kluang is only RM120. The result:

- RM7 BP car wash at SS2.
I'm wondering how long am I gonna keep this up?
- Sent to RM5 indian car wash at Petaling Garden. Btw, I saw a silver x20 with a chinese guy with long pony tail having tea nearby.
- The wax and high gloss finish done at Kluang is only RM120. The result:
- RM7 BP car wash at SS2.
I'm wondering how long am I gonna keep this up?
The long road South
Going to Kluang this evening for two reasons:
- extending the honeymoon
- trying to convince a friend's dad on the x20
Both objectives failed. However, I got some goodies from Kluang:
(A) Lights
1. Tiny white lights with fog lamps:

2. HID lights with fog lamps:

3. HID lights with fog lamps and high beam:

(B) Brown rubber mats:

And I saw an "advante" at my friends coffeeshop. Met the young singaporean couple as well:
- extending the honeymoon
- trying to convince a friend's dad on the x20
Both objectives failed. However, I got some goodies from Kluang:
(A) Lights
1. Tiny white lights with fog lamps:
2. HID lights with fog lamps:
3. HID lights with fog lamps and high beam:
(B) Brown rubber mats:
And I saw an "advante" at my friends coffeeshop. Met the young singaporean couple as well:
Migration and Transformation
Moved my alpine HU, components and sub into the Kancil before I traded in my Kenari. That took the whole morning. The afternoon was signing documents and more inspections. The evening was spent at Sunway; wanted to change rims & tires and get PPS done. But only managed to change the rims:

There was some air leaking from the rear right tire, and I couldn't pump air into the tire. Visited the tire shop in Sunway first thing the next morning to get that fixed. Pin in valve problem.
There was some air leaking from the rear right tire, and I couldn't pump air into the tire. Visited the tire shop in Sunway first thing the next morning to get that fixed. Pin in valve problem.
Like an orphan waiting for new parents to arrive...
Thats what a forummer mentioned when he saw another car waiting to be collected.
Elantra x20 registered, V-cooled, relocated speaker and fastened the boot rods. Ready for collection on Wednesday, 12th March 2008. However, arrived home too late to settle my old car's audio stuff, so will have to wait till the next morning.
Elantra x20 registered, V-cooled, relocated speaker and fastened the boot rods. Ready for collection on Wednesday, 12th March 2008. However, arrived home too late to settle my old car's audio stuff, so will have to wait till the next morning.
Car inspection....
The blackie arrived on Friday morning, 7th March 2008. Inspection was done that evening with a friend, Dezzy. We checked through most of the interior and exterior, and was SATISFIED. However, looks like I'll collect it after the honeymoon, on Wednesday.
A glimmer of hope?
The car shipment should be arriving on the 4th or 5th of March. If inspection and registration can be done on the 5th, I should be able to get the car on the 6th! However, it will be very hectic, as the big day is on the 8th.
Anyway, we'll see how things go.
Anyway, we'll see how things go.
Public Bank Loan
Loan approved but the ammount had to be increased due to some unforseen circumstances. Again, Eric ensured that it was done.
Public Bank officers do not pick up their phones. Its really annoying. After faxing important documents, you would want to call the guy at the other end to ENSURE that they have safely received those documents.
On top of that, I opened a joint PB savings account today, and the phones at the branch were ringing NON-STOP. No one bothered to answer. So, FYI, please don't bother to call PB. Walk in.
Public Bank officers do not pick up their phones. Its really annoying. After faxing important documents, you would want to call the guy at the other end to ENSURE that they have safely received those documents.
On top of that, I opened a joint PB savings account today, and the phones at the branch were ringing NON-STOP. No one bothered to answer. So, FYI, please don't bother to call PB. Walk in.
Kah Bintang Jalan 223
I dealt with a sales guy called Eric. He's been with Hyundai for only 6 months, but has been in this line for many years now. I've also spoken to the Manager, Sam.
I'm a satisfied customer. Eric ensured all the processes went through without me having to worry about anything. A true mark of customer service. Sam has a wealth of information on Hyundai cars and services. I can't disclose more, to protect my own privacy, but can vouch for his good service.
Please contact him if you want to purchase a Hyundai Accent, Elantra or Sonata:
Eric 016-358 1618
Sales Adviser
You can mention my name (Jason). But even if you don't, thats fine.
I'm a satisfied customer. Eric ensured all the processes went through without me having to worry about anything. A true mark of customer service. Sam has a wealth of information on Hyundai cars and services. I can't disclose more, to protect my own privacy, but can vouch for his good service.
Please contact him if you want to purchase a Hyundai Accent, Elantra or Sonata:
Eric 016-358 1618
Sales Adviser
You can mention my name (Jason). But even if you don't, thats fine.
A Hyundai Elantra?
It was at Jong Chern's farewell dinner at Madam Kwans, Midvalley where I first saw the Elantra. To me, at that time, Hyundai was a sub-par brand where those that could not afford honda / toyota / nissan would settle for. Their automobiles cheap, unreliable, difficult to maintain, petrol guzzling, NO 2nd-hand value, (insert bad comment here) etc.
At Midvalley, Hyundai were showcasing their 2008 models of Accent, Elantra and Sonata on the ground floor. From the first floor, I looked down and saw the rear end of the Elantra x20 (from now on, known as simply x20). "Hmmm... not bad."
"Wanna take a closer look?" asked my fiance (now wifey). I did. I found out that the x20 is:
- spacious (most spacious, only comparable to the Sentra)
- mesmerizing (blue dash/console lights) (unlike... all other cars below except the Civic)
- reasonably priced (unlike... Civic)
- porpotionate (unlike... City/Latio)
- new design (unlike... Sentra/City)
- modern (unlike... Altis)
- had a nice rear end (unlike... Vios)
- only 2 weeks waiting list (unlike... Lancer)
Well... but its a HYUNDAI. So I took a price list, brochure and some advice from a sales guy named Eric and went home to do some homework.
The next Sunday, (Sunday is my car-test-drive day) fiance and I went to visit Hyundai 223 showroom. There was a black x20 in the showroom, and a silver x20 test drive car. Eric was pleased to see us again, although he was not working and was called back to the office to "service" us. After poking our noses in the showroom car, we went for a test drive.
First thing you will note is the steering is remarkably light. This was strange for me, and I found it too sensitive and without proper "road feedback". I couldn't feel the road through the steering wheel. When we hit 60km/h on Federal Highway, the tire noise was evident and it was quite loud at 100km/h.
However, everything else about the car fascinated me. For details on specs and user reviews, please visit:
I booked the car on that day itself, 23rd Feb 2008.
No regrets (yet)
At Midvalley, Hyundai were showcasing their 2008 models of Accent, Elantra and Sonata on the ground floor. From the first floor, I looked down and saw the rear end of the Elantra x20 (from now on, known as simply x20). "Hmmm... not bad."
"Wanna take a closer look?" asked my fiance (now wifey). I did. I found out that the x20 is:
- spacious (most spacious, only comparable to the Sentra)
- mesmerizing (blue dash/console lights) (unlike... all other cars below except the Civic)
- reasonably priced (unlike... Civic)
- porpotionate (unlike... City/Latio)
- new design (unlike... Sentra/City)
- modern (unlike... Altis)
- had a nice rear end (unlike... Vios)
- only 2 weeks waiting list (unlike... Lancer)
Well... but its a HYUNDAI. So I took a price list, brochure and some advice from a sales guy named Eric and went home to do some homework.
The next Sunday, (Sunday is my car-test-drive day) fiance and I went to visit Hyundai 223 showroom. There was a black x20 in the showroom, and a silver x20 test drive car. Eric was pleased to see us again, although he was not working and was called back to the office to "service" us. After poking our noses in the showroom car, we went for a test drive.
First thing you will note is the steering is remarkably light. This was strange for me, and I found it too sensitive and without proper "road feedback". I couldn't feel the road through the steering wheel. When we hit 60km/h on Federal Highway, the tire noise was evident and it was quite loud at 100km/h.
However, everything else about the car fascinated me. For details on specs and user reviews, please visit:
I booked the car on that day itself, 23rd Feb 2008.
No regrets (yet)
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