Monday, May 26, 2008

Blog counter (2)

The statcounter that i'm using is so cool. I used geocities for my webpage a long long time ago. It had a basic counter, but this statcounter is amazing. Here's the visitor graph that it provides, and its just a summary.

On Sunday, there were 43 page views and 29 unique visitors! I started this blog with the intention of keeping track of my car journeys and mods. However, it seems to be catching ppls attention. I get hits from google singapore, m'sia and other countries too. I'm humbled.

There are alot more other important data I can view and even drill-down. Other stuff are like google keyword searches, entry & exit pages, came from page, etc. Kewl!

Check it out at

By promoting their site, maybe I might get a free upgraded account... hehe... in my dreams.

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